About me.

Hi! Welcome to my website. In a nutshell, this is a distillation of a collection of moments throughout my life. Each with their varying levels of importance and impact, but nonetheless apart of the totality of who I am. I hope you enjoy the manifestation of this long overdue project and the personification of myself in web form.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are all these stories real?

Yes, plain and simple. Every story here is rooted in truth and my recollection of the moment. The dramatization element has been minimized to preserve the authenticity of its recording in history.

Are you stealing my personal data?

Potentially... allow me to explain. This website stuff is very confusing. Fun fact: my first attempt at this website was to write the code myself... Let's just say I didn't write this code myself. Anyways, I don't know how personal data collection works. Therefore, if I am stealing your personal data, good chance I wouldn't even know I had it.

What was the motivation for this website?

I've always had a fascination with owning a piece of the work wide web. Everyone at some point has googled themselves hoping to find something worthwhile. Let this be my worthwhile.

Is this NSFW?

All posts here are appropriately rated. Whether you are visiting this site for personal or professional purposes, you will find the stories tasteful. You don't have to quickly close out of the tab if someone walks into the room. There will inevitably be a vast array of easter eggs sprinkled throughout it, woven into the fabric of its existence.

What's your vision for this project?

I have been fortunate enough to have lived an adventurous life. The stories, absurdities, oddities, waves of emotions, joys, heartbreaks, and so much more are to be put on display here. An opportunity for me to share these nuggets of my life with whomever may cross my path.

Will you ever bring ads on to the platform?

I was once told that you never put a bumper sticker on a Lamborghini. As someone with two bumper stickers on my car, I quite resonated with this. I view this website as my "Lamborghini", so why would I put bumper stickers on it? Ironically enough, if I sell enough bumper stickers I could just buy a real Lamborghini. So yes, I would consider ads on the platform if it meant a free Lambo.

My Current Residence

about me